Sacred Circle ponders principles of future Indigenous church

8 August 2018

Sacred Circle ponders principles of future Indigenous church

[Anglican Journal, by Tali Folkins] Indigenous Canadian Anglicans inched closer to having a spiritual organization of their own Tuesday, August 7, as the ninth Indigenous Anglican Sacred Circle, meeting in Prince George, B.C., August 6-11, pondered a document proposing guiding principles for the future church.

Sacred Circle, the national decision-making body of Indigenous Canadian Anglicans that meets every three years, was presented with the document, “An Indigenous Spiritual Movement: Becoming What God Intends Us To Be,” by National Indigenous Anglican Bishop Mark MacDonald. MacDonald said he had drafted the document, with revisions from other Canadian Indigenous Anglican leaders, and was presenting it to the Sacred Circle “not as something that is finished, but something that we look for your wisdom and guidance on.” Members of the assembly were asked to break up into smaller groups and present their comments.

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