Blogs Posts from the Anglican Indigenous Network

National Aboriginal Day of Prayer

7 June 2015

National Aboriginal Day of Prayer

[Anglican Church of Cnada] The General Synod established the National Aboriginal Day of Prayer on the 21 June in the Calendar of the Anglican Church of Canada enrolled under the heading of Other Major Feasts That Take Precedence of a Sunday as found on page 15 of the Book of Alternative Services and listed within of Other Major Feasts on page 16 of the BAS.

The full article can be found here

Worship Resources

6 June 2015

Worship Resources

Liturgies created for opening prayer, the celebration of the eucharist, and closing prayer were crafted specially for this day

See here for all the resources

Marae face major clean-up after widespread flooding

2 June 2015

Marae face major clean-up after widespread flooding

Recent flooding in Aotearoa New Zealand has caused devastation to many places including two marae that are used for Maori Anglican church services. See the video below which was taken not long after the floods struck, for the stories pertaining to the marae.

Manhattan mission accomplished

5 May 2015

Manhattan mission accomplished


The last of a small delegation of Kiwi Anglicans who’ve been in New York speaking up for the concerns of indigenous people – both within the Communion and the world at large – are returning this week to Aotearoa New Zealand.

Bishop Kito Pikaahu led a delegation of seven from Te Pihopatanga to the biennial Anglican Indigenous Network (AIN) conference which was held in The Big Apple from April 14-18.

And on April 14, the eve of that conference, the Pihopatanga team met with the person who is, arguably, the most significant Kiwi on the world stage – former Prime Minister Helen Clark, who took time out from her tasks as Head of the United Nations Development Programme to welcome them to the United Nations headquarters in New York.

The delegation briefed Ms Clark on the purpose of the AIN conference – and spoke of its significance in strengthening people-to-people links among indigenous Anglicans throughout the Communion.

Later that same day, the delegation (which included former diplomat turned St John’s College ordinand Kerry Davis) also met with New Zealand’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, the former Deputy Prime Minister, Jim McLay.

The full article can be found here

Māori Anglican delegation head to the UN

13 April 2015

Māori Anglican delegation head to the UN

Delegates from the Māori Anglican Church are off to New York following an invite from the United Nations. Māori still lead the way on many issues faced by indigenous cultures from around the world, but Bishop Kito Pikaahu says there are still some unresolved matters facing Māori that could benefit immensely from a UN endorsement.
